Pulse Microsystems - Embroidery Software Solutions

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Sequin Fill

Sequin designs in a fraction of the time

This revolutionary new feature, the first of its kind in the industry, will change the way you work with sequin. As an add-on to Pulse’s highly acclaimed Sequin tool, Sequin Fill takes the outlines you draw, while preserving holes, and automatically and intelligently fills them with sequins. This dramatically reduces the time it takes to create sequin designs and instantly boosts productivity.

Sequin Fill eliminates the need for manual sequin placement. With Sequin Fill, creating a segment filled with sequins is just as easy as digitizing a complex fill. Plus, the slew of new Sequin Fill settings ensures you get exactly the results you want. Easily overlap rows of sequins, offset the rows to produce interesting effects, and control spacing between lines of sequins for perfect results.

Plus, use the Sequin Fill tool with the Wave Fill feature for stunning results. With Wave Fill, the sequins follow the direction line of any curved shape you draw.

Get the Sequin Fill tool today and stop creating sequin designs the old fashioned way!

Note: Sequin Fill is available to Edition Xi and higher versions. Sequin Fill is an add-on to the Sequin tool. Both Sequin tools are options to Illustrator, and higher levels. Wave Fill is a standard feature of Maestro and an option to some lower levels. Check with your distributor for further details.

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